
Wednesday, February 10, 2010

“You are everything I never knew I always wanted.”

“50 dates with Nicole” - No, it’s not something I’m auctioning off…thankfully…I would feel bad for the person who won that prize. “50 dates with Nicole” is my new blog, well, my first blog really. At the beginning of this year, I decided I would go on 50 dates. Why?

I lost a bet? No

I need free dinners? Nah, I’m doing fine in the food department

I enjoy taking on awkward and self-deprecating tasks? That’s debatable, but I’m gonna say No on that one for now.

I’m looking for Mr. Right? Well, technically yes, but still not the reason I started these shenanigans.

The reason I decided to go on this adventure was really just for ME. You see, I have been in a bit of a rut lately – personally and professionally. I figured the only way to get myself out of this funk is to make some changes and take on some challenges in my life.

I have been single for the majority of my life. I’ve never been one of those people that go from relationship to relationship. Heck, I haven’t been one of those people with many relationships to count at all. (lets not try to evaluate why that is just yet – I can only take a few self-revelations on my first blog entry ☺)

Regardless of why or why not I have dated in the past, I figured it would be good for me to put myself out there…really out there for once. I’m not expecting to find a “boyfriend” or companionship out of this, I really feel like this is more of a self-exploration to help me figure out what it is that I’m looking for in an eventual mate. Do I like soft-spoken or talkative guys? Am I more drawn to artistic or business type men? I truly do not know, but I’m hoping to find out. By forcing myself to go out on 50 dates this year, I’m bound to learn what the heck I want…or at least something about myself!

For years I have been saying “I’m going to work less, and LIVE more,” but I seem to always find a way to put it off. I clearly am the type of person that needs more tangible goals…50 dates…50 reasons to leave the office early…50 reasons to try something I never have before…50 reasons to live life to the fullest. And I figure that if I’m going on this adventure, why not take friends and family with me! Well…in the blogging world that is…because I can’t actually physically take you all with me – that would make for some weird first dates.

And really what’s more fun than reading about the life of a loved one (that’s me, in case you were wondering)…that’s right, reading about awkward dates! I can guarantee you that there will be some of that, because lets face it, dating is AWKWARD!

So feel free to send me advice, chime in on who I should date again, what I should do, or even set me up! But most importantly feel free to laugh with me and at me over this year, because God knows I’m sure I will be too.


Unknown said...

Oooohhh!!! I'm excited to follow along! I can't wait for your adventure to one day be a movie! ;)

Nins said...



ya and what she said about the movie!

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