So Saturday rolled around, and I was still recovering from my Friday night thanks to Cat’s Black, White, and Bling Bash – see, I told you I can’t turn down a theme party. On my way home from the South Bay I start to evaluate what I was actually going to wear to this thing. Do I go all out? I mean this is only a second date and I could still very easily scare this guy off. I didn’t know him or his friends at all – so how much do they actually “get into” a theme? The other factor weighing in on decision is that I still wanted to look somewhat like myself since this was a date – i.e. no wigs were in my future. So with all those things in mind, I decided I would do a jean skirt (something I owned), hot pink fishnets (something I needed to buy), and then some kind of top. I stopped off at a mall on my way home and picked up some pink fishnets and also scored an awesome white belt with pink studs – this outfit was really coming together. I regret to inform you loyal readers that I did not take any photos of the finished outfit…I apologize – I will be more diligent about these pertinent blog materials in the future. However, here is a glimpse at what the outfit looked like…
Pink Fishnets + jean skirt + off the shoulder top + white and pink studded belt = 80’s magic.

BX called me and confirmed he would pick me up at 8. He showed up right on time, and I pranced down nervously in my 80’s get-up. He was parked outside of my apartment sitting in his jeep-like suv, and he had the passenger side window rolled down.
“Woooowwwww” he said from the car with a grin. I did a twirl and admitted that I clearly can get into themes. As I got in the car, I evaluated his outfit. He had ripped jeans and a fraternity shirt – he claimed to be a fraternity guy from the 80’s. Not the most ingenious outfit I had ever seen, but hey, mine wasn’t top of the line either.
So we take the short 5-minute drive to his friend’s place. We parked and were walking up to the apartment when BX ran into his friend and date. He hollered out his last name as we crossed the street. I thought “does he call everyone by their last names or is this his 80’s “fraternity” persona that he is embracing?” He introduced me to his friend, tells me that they have worked together, and then we all headed in.
We walked inside about 10 minutes after 8pm, and there were 4 girls in awesome 80’s outfits, feverishly still setting up. We were the first ones there…great. I was definitely out of my comfort zone. Not only was I on a second date, and not only was I at a party where I knew NO-ONE, but now I was the “uncomfortable first guest.” Now if you are going to a close friend’s or family member’s party, being the first guest is not that weird, but being at a party where you don’t really know the people and you are first….well, that is just uncomfortable. And from the other perspective, as I have hosted several events, it sucks when people start arriving, but you are still behind on the set-up and are just not ready for people to be there.
BX started pointing out girls and telling me their names, and labeling one girl as his “BFF.”
All night he called her “BFF,” not her actual name – is that strange?
Anyways, after the quick roll call, BX opened the bottle of wine he brought – yes, a bottle of white wine – and poured us two glasses. Right after we got our drinks, the main hostess asked BX “could we convince you to run to the store and grab some ice?” BX of course agreed, and I expected him to turn to me and say “let’s go,” but instead he handed me his drink and said, “I’ll be right back.”
WHAT???!!! I wanted to respond, “Oh no, I coming with you!” but before my mouth could even open, he was already out the door. AGGGHHHH! Now not only am I the weird girl at the party that nobody knows, but I’ve been ditched by my date and I’m all alone! And in pink fishnets! *Sigh*
I wander around the apartment looking at all the décor they put up. They did a really cute job decorating – set out a bunch of 80’s movies, had a table of retro candy, and hung a poster with all the 80’s cartoons. Wait? What are you doing? You are now the creepy girl that is not talking to anyone, walking around looking at decorations trying to look busy. Deep breath, get it together, and go talk to someone like a normal human being!
I spot out the “last name guy” and his date – at least I had been introduced to him, so I head his way. I start making conversation asking him about the work he and BX had done together. He told me that they had worked together in North Carolina, and now they are technically competitors out here in LA. I asked questions and tried to stay very engaged in the conversation. Then it happened. He asked THE question.
“So how do you know BX?”
Oh shoot! We hadn’t talked about this. Did his friends know he was on Was I supposed to lie? What was the response he wanted me to say? We really should have discussed and had a plan going into this date. Then I cleverly dodged it by replying “Well, we are on our second date…how about that?”
Oh man, I am so smart…a genius really. What a save! The award for cleverness of the night goes to…
But in the middle of me congratulating myself, I’m stopped in my tracks by another question.
“So where did you guys meet?”
DARN IT! Check mate. Guess I have to give back that cleverness award. I could feel myself get visibly nervous. A lot of people are shy about the whole “online dating” thing , but I was cornered – what do I say??! “Last name guy” must have seen me sweating, and I paused for at least a good 15 seconds, although it felt like an eternity.
I shrugged, and blurted out “”
Oh well, I’m a horrible liar – it’s a virtue really, right? And that’s what BX gets for leaving me to get ice anyways. Don’t leave an anxious date in a room full of inquiring minds – she is bound to go rouge.
So after about a billion years, BX returns with two bags of ice…”Finally” I thought!
I never told him about the Spanish Inquiry I received from the “last name guy.” I had already been embarrassed enough; I was ready to just have a good time. Finally the food was ready and the drinks started flowing – that always makes a party more enjoyable. And after a while I was able to settle down, find my grove, and have an enjoyable time. We stayed for several hours – conversing, hanging out, etc. BX and I had some cute flirtatious moments – him putting his hand on the small of my back, catching each other’s eyes from across the room and smiling, and all that cheesy stuff.
Finally around midnight he looked at me and said that he was ready to go when I was…and I definitely was. So we took off and he drove me home. He pulled up outside of my apartment, we hugged goodbye in the car and I got out of the car.
No kiss…no awkward goodbye…all good.
But I do have a question for you all. Is it old fashion for a guy to walk a girl to the door? I mean its not like he was dropping me off a mile away from my apartment, but I kind of wished he had walked me up my steps and to my door. Maybe it would have been an awkward goodbye, but I like the chivalry. Thoughts?
Hey, great blog, not typically into reading blogs but you definetly have a knack for writing,and am enjoying it thus far.
And yes, the BFF thing is weird,
and yes, he should have walked you to the door, but alas maybe chivalry is dead. Keep up the good work.
You are trying to be like PW leaving me hanging each time I read! I think he should have walked you to the door...Travis always did. I'm loving this!
1. Never should have left you at the party.
2. I was once PK's "PA" as he called it. There was usually something going on with us-the BFF is not ok.
3. He totally should have walked you to the door.
I don't like him. Then again, it will take something major to win over YOUR BFF. Ha!
I agree with the above comments re: BFF and leaving you at the party. NOT COOL.
AND he should have walked you to your door...
Verbally referring to addressing the girl as "BFF" is weird. That's something tween girls do. Then again, you gotta think that he was trying to appear social and, in a panicky way, he sorta overdid it. That's probably why he left you at the party to run an errand. It's easy to overlook dating etiquette when you're nervous and trying to impress!
And, color me different, but I don't think it's a big deal that he didn't walk you to the door. That leaves it open for an awkward goodbye with the "goodnight kiss" issue. I always preferred ending the night at the car until I was ready for the goodnight kiss at my front door.
I agree with Jennifer, I think it was nervousness with the BFF thing, trying to seem "cool", and I don't think the walking to the door thing is a big deal. He's just as uncertain as you are about what to do and how to behave, and some guys think women don't want too much chivalry, or the pressure for a goodnight kiss. If I was on a date with a guy and he stopped, parked, and got out of the car, I would sort of momentarily panic that he thought he was coming inside, which can be awkward too. Does he do other gentlemanly things, like open doors? Depends if it's a pattern.
I agree with all of the above. Not so sure I like this guy. NEXT!
I hope you go on a million dates! cant wait to catch up on the rest. Great blog and GREAT work on the outfit! =)
OH ya and anyone who says BFF should be called out on lameness! and you deserve a kiss and butt grab on the way to the door ;)
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