#1. A few people have asked me – “what happens if you find someone you like on one of the first few dates?” Well, as I was contemplating taking this journey, I decided early on that it wouldn’t be 50 “First” dates, but just 50 dates. That way it gives me the flexibility to have second dates with guys that I actually like/connect with. It’s more realistic that way, and furthermore I don’t want to treat these men as guinea pigs or just part of an “experiment.” In the unlikely event that I meet my soul mate on date #8, then I guess this blog will become about the journey of going on dates with this new guy. However, given my track record over the past 10 years, I think you guys can rest easy that it is much more likely that you’ll be reading about funny first-ish dates, rather than the sappy story of me falling in love. I will keep an open mind though to evolving the blog as my experience progresses.
#2. Not to be captain obvious, but well…it’s February, so I have already lost a month to 2010. But I actually started my dates a few weeks ago, so I’ll be catching up with entries on those experiences (starting with the first one today!). Once I’m caught up, I hope that this process will become more of a “real time” blog with probably 1 entry per week. But over the next week you will be inundated with hilarious blog entries – don’t get to used to it though!
#3. The method I have been using thus far to find these available men has been Match.com. (Dear Internet Gods – please keep me safe from any super scary weirdo guys, Amen). I have been contemplating also joining eHarmony – thought it might be fun to have a comparison on what type of dates I get from each. I’m also up for any other methods, so please send me your suggestions, hot single neighbors, etc. my way.
With out further ado…on to the first DATE!
One late night in January I started perusing ole Match.com. For those of you unfamiliar with this dating smorgasbord website, allow me to let you in on some of its finer points. You can do a “search” for potential matches narrowing down through a range of preferences – categories like where they live, physical features, political views, desire to have kids, and even exercise habits. Once you look at peoples profiles if you are interested you can either “wink” at them or “e-mail” them. I usually go for the “wink” – this effortless option somehow makes me feel better about technically making the first move.
Anyways, I threw a bunch of winks out there and BXwas one of the guys I winked at. He e-mailed the next day letting me know he was interested – enticing me with the fact that he was a Titans fan…how could I really say no? We had a few e-mail exchanges, and then decided to meet. We settled on a little place called Eclectic Café. I had never been, but it was very close to where I live (we both live in the same neighborhood). We decided to meet at 9pm. I rushed to get out work on time and ran to my house to change clothes quickly. I tried on a dress, and then tried on a jeans and a top…torn. I sent my sister a picture, but I was running out of time (less than 10 minutes to get there) so before she had time to get back to me, I made a snap decision on the jeans and top. I didn’t want to look like I was trying to hard. My sister wrote me back with encouragement, ensuring me that my top and jeans choice was cute too. I quickly touched up the make-up and ran out the door. I think I didn’t have a chance to get nervous since I was so pressed for time.
As I was pulling up, I got a text from BX“red or white?” Perfect! Wine was just what I needed after a long day at work. “Red” I replied. “Can I guess Merlot” he wrote back? Hmmm, decision time. Merlot is probably my least favorite red, but I would still drink it. I didn’t want to seem high maintenance, so I replied that whatever he chose would be fine. Less than a minute later, I walked through the door of this cute wine bar and grille, and saw a lone, dark-haired man sitting at the bar.

I knew that was him. As I approached the bar he turned, saw me, and smiled. First hurdle down – he showed up and didn’t bolt out the door when he saw me. With an internal sigh, I sat at the bar stool next to him and we greeted each other. He handed me my glass of merlot and he was drinking a beer. We started with small talk – what do you do, where are you from, yada, yada. From the website, I knew that he owned a grip company that catered to Hollywood. But what I didn’t know and what found out during our discussion was that he was also an actor. *sigh* An “Actor”…great. I usually steer clear from actors in this town. Everyone is an actor…or should I say, everyone is a waiter/ wanna-be actor. Although I am technically in the TV industry, I just really don’t identify with those people chasing fame. However, I give him the benefit of the doubt – because he’s not just an actor, but he smartly owns his own business that pays the bills – so if he does a little acting and he enjoys it, who am I to judge? Maybe he does it for the art, and doesn’t care for fame.
I finish my glass of wine and instinctively pick up the menu to order another. This means either the conversation is comfortable enough that I wanted to stay or maybe I just love wine. As I am looking at the wine list, BX asks if I like white wine. Well, I’m not the biggest white wine lover, but it really is an honest statement to say that I can pretty much drink any wine. I tell him that red is my favorite, but I can drink white. He says that he loves white, and if I will drink it with him, we should just get a bottle…hmmm. White? Really? He is definitely a smooth talker, and in my continued first-date politeness campaign, I agree. I want to be agreeable…and its wine, so what’s there really to complain about. We also decide to order and appetizer – potstickers, yum.
The conversation continues – we talk about football and more small talk subjects. Before I know it, an hour has passed and we have gone through the bottle of wine (aprox 2 glasses each). He comments that I seem unaffected by the wine, whereas he is feeling very buzzed – uh oh. Is this a bad sign on a first date? He continues further and says “I bet you could drink me under the table.” Oh no, is he joking? What does that say about me? Oh boy. But really – he is a least a half a foot taller than me and probably has 40 or so pounds on me – is he really feeling tipsy? Maybe in future dates, I should limit myself to one glass.
After that, its time to go home. He lives in walking distance, so I guess I didn’t have to worry about the affects of the alcohol on him ☺. He walks me to my car, gives me a hug, and we say good bye. No awkward lean in for a kiss or anything – I was off scot-free, and I appreciated him not trying any slick moves.
So overall the first date was a success. Wine, conversation, and no super-awkward moments. I thought to myself on my way home – if he asks me out on another date, I would go. Sure enough he did, and the next one turned out to be WAY more interesting, but you will have to stay tuned to hear about that!
Sounds like you're off to a good start! Can't wait to hear about the next one. :)
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